The Crown Chakra

At long last, we have reached our final chakra in the series, the crown (it only took me a year to write all seven chakras). Gettin’ there! Easy does it! Four year old Rayme Lou, playing his violin, so deeply concentrating on the music that a thin line of drool descends languidly to the ground….

The Third Eye Chakra

I don”t know about you, but for me, January was a LOT (the words “bleak, unremitting hell-scape” come to mind? But I tend to excess.) I kept checking the calendar and it was still January. I got choked up in recognition at a meme that read: “Wow, I can’t believe it’s January 48th already”. Alrighty,…

The Throat Chakra. Express yourself.

“My phone died.” “No, this isn’t new.” “It’s so great to see you.” “He’s just tired.” “I’ve got an appointment.” “Traffic was terrible.” “No, I didn’t throw that away.” “I love it!” “I gotta go.” Ope! Have you ever told a lie? Ever exaggerate, over-explain, or say things to control the narrative? What about playing…

Anahata Chakra, The Heart

Driving on the highway, Will (my darling, my dear, my 14 year-old son) points out big plumes of smoke rising into the sky. Traffic starts to slow. Eventually we pass an enormous, burned out semi, with oranges spilling all over the road. No one appears to be injured, but firefighters are still working. And as…

Solar Plexus Chakra: Shine On

Welcome to the Summer Chakra Series! The last of the so-called “lower chakras”, the sacral chakra is third in line on our journey up the spine. Fiery Family I’m 19 years old, in Seville, Spain, being chattered at by a surprisingly imposing personage, despite not being even 5 ft tall. She is speaking at 90…

Sacral Chakra

Well alright! Moving on to the next chakra in our glorious rainbow. Never enough Growing up in the 80’s and 90’s, the utterly destructive fantasy that I was sold (and is next level now), is that it is of paramount importance to be gorgeous, and YOU CAN BE! Just buy THIS and THAT and bingo…

The ROOT Chakra

When I think about roots, I think of a solid home base. A place or feeling of safety, and of belonging: knowing your way around the house in the dark. Being rooted means living solid in the body; truly inhabiting. It means BEING. The root chakra calls for the present moment Maya Fiennes, in her…

Chakras. Pretty sure?

“So honey, dearest love, do you think you ate it?” Scoffs: “Nooooo.” Sigh, relief “I just put it in my mouth.” Possible ingested battery, emergency room visit, little people hacking away ALL around us. Rayme refusing to wear a mask once the thrill is gone. HOPING none of my co-workers will see us (my hospital);…