Change, Gulp!

(And a little duality) The woo-woo community is talking about a vibrational shift happening on the planet. Everything is changing, in both small and tsunamic ways. And everyone is experiencing this shift differently – each of us will experience particular, unique, waves in our lives. My current experience of change is reflected in my children….

Sweater Weather

“We’ll have a warm Halloween.” HA! Ahahahaaaha! Bwahahahaaa! We throw a driveway party every year (the MOST fun now that we have a big crowd of middle-schoolers – angst, yes, but still with a good, clean sense of fun and puppy-dog exuberance), and my costumes always revolve around an: “I am warm enough” theme (it’s…

Emotions and Personal Evolution

Transforming Fear I recently had a real shift with fear. I woke up angry two nights in a row. Just outraged. Things from my present melting into things from my past. I was so pissed. I think smoke was coming out of my nostrils. Good thing no one was around. Growing up, the climate in…

Catchphrase: Intermittent Fasting

Did I miss the train on this? Fasting? Intermittently? My experience with fasting thus far has been “fasting by accident”: I get up, am not hungry yet, get sucked into the day and suddenly it’s 2 PM and I want to murder kittens. Intermittent fasting was the “thing” of the moment, maybe from 2018-2020. And…

Surviving Parenthood

Parents, I Salute You Happy Mother’s Day! I have spent the weekend intermittently crying over my mother, lost so many years ago, feeling like a crap mother myself, and thinking of a friend keeping vigil over her own mother who is gravely ill. Today, I was awoken by a screaming small person who did NOT…

Safe, Effective Aromatherapy

Fresh baked bread, lily of the valley, homemade spaghetti sauce bubbling away on a slow simmer. Warm, melty chocolate chip cookies (I’m drooling). Frankincense, patchouli, lavender, ylang ylang. Your grandma. Smells are powerful. They can jettison us back to the past – to home, dad, a special trip taken. Scents can calm us down, rev…

‘Tis Vata Season

Thank God for old friends at this time of year. They are THERE for the mid-morning-drive-up-toddler-dump and the long, loud sob sesh. First, they nod (in unison), trying not to look alarmed as you mutter/scream incoherently. Then, they let you play with their dogs. Finally, a ping-pong match and Talking Heads. Tornado, dispersed. It’s vata…

Kundalini Yoga is Magic

Twelve years ago, I randomly ordered a Kundalini Yoga DVD while browsing on Amazon. I liked the picture on the front – the instructor was beaming, looking genuinely relaxed and happy. I started using the DVD, and was quickly dug out of a hole of sleep-deprived despair and post-partum depression. It was a helping hand,…

Did Someone Say Something About Food?

In an early post, I mentioned that food is huge in Ayurveda. Since then, I have ignored it, because I eat like the cornfed, beer and brats Midwesterner that I am. I haven’t made kitchari in ages. We stock up on red meat every time we go to Costco. There is a bowl, nay, a…

The Law of Attraction & Meditation = Mighty Changes.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could say to the Universe: “Farm boy, fetch me that pitcher” (or that dream job or that soul mate), and the Universe would reply “As you wish” and hand it to us on a silver platter? What if that could actually happen? There’s this whole Law of Attraction thing…