Spring Reboot: Kapha Season

I love a good “new start”. I love New Years resolutions and the promise that they bring. I have not, however, kept any New Years Resolutions. Not ever. This year, I made one (one!) and I broke it on January 1st. I think that I rebel against the pressure. With a toddler, this is a…

Ayurved-ish Recipe: Cauliflower Delight

Today my friend Stacie texted me: “I got cauliflower in the cafeteria today. I deserve a prize.” That is how we feel about cauliflower, and if you feel differently, kudos. Cruciferous vegetables especially are acquired tastes. And if we aren’t used to them, they can taste kind of bad! But in ayurveda, whole foods, freshly…

Ojas, AKA Mojo Juice

She has that “glow”. A friend shared a video of her wedding night with me (don’t worry, the groom is in the background, passed out in his three piece suit, dapper even in sleep). She is incandescent. Radiant with joy. Even via screen, she is clearly saturated with ojas (the body’s “natural honey”). There are…

Agent P.O.O.P

Lets move from the esoteric world of the gunas to something a little more concrete. Something we (hopefully) do every day. Agent P-double- O-P waits for no man. I pay good money to see my Ayurvedic practitioner. And all he wants to talk about is how much I poop. “Let’s get you pooping”. He’s not…

The Gunas and Marijuana

The gunas series was done, but it felt like some unfinished business was still there. The three gunas (sattva, rajas and tamas) are swirling vortexes of energy that can kind of run our lives. All of this turbulent energy, how do we recognize it, and how do we harness it’s power? The gunas can feel…